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Marine Logistics in New York Harbor
- Need a tiny tug to tuck under the Broadway Bridge for bridge repairs? Perhaps you wish someone to construct and
run a unique billboard barge past the UN for a special meeting. Perhaps
reef a caisson?
Perhaps you want a barge to float and position your fireworks?
- Whether the task at hand is unique or mundane in NY Harbor, the man you want
is Mike Vinik of
Vinik Marine. Even if you don't know exactly what you need, Mike can help you figure it out.
- For example:
- From: Walker, Martin
- Date: October 16, 2019 at 7:15:43 AM EDT
- Subject: Cape Ann Tow
- Captain,
- I just wanted to compliment you on the successful tow to the Cape Ann to the JRRF, and in particular the boat handling at arrival.
I was a little concerned that without assist boats there may be a problem, but my concerns were quickly put aside when the tow arrived.
It was obvious that the boat and captain were up to the challenge. It was a demonstration of some fine boat handling and the best I have seen
in long while. Kudos to you and your crew.
- Regards,
- Martin Walker, Fleet Superintendent,
James River Reserve Fleet
- From: Connor McKeon, TMS Waterfront at
- Date: July 18, 2019 at 4:04:03 PM EDT
- To:
- Subject: The NICHOLAS VINIK and Vinik Marine
- Vinik Marine saved the day countless times on our recent marina reconstruction. It started when our 330' barge was tugged up
from the Gulf by another tower and the captain said he couldn't fit the barge in the marina opening. That's where I was introduced to Mike and I
asked him if he could get the barge inside the marina that day. A couple hours later he retrieved the barge with the NICHOLAS VINIK, approached
the marina, and pushed the barge in within 15 was minutes was tying it off where we wanted it. Mike and his crew were easy to communicate with,
efficient workers, and adaptable.
- From there Vinik Marine was our on-call tug service for the remaining 3 months of the job. From dock movements, construction barge
allignments, to haul-outs, Vinik always got the job done right with a great attitude. Some calls were simple movements while other had no room for error
(juggling 3 EA ~200' barges with two tugs in the dark within the marina) but Mike was always excited and professional. The tugs are powerful and always
captained with apparent ease. Always my first call in the NY Harbor.
- From: Tug Fells Point, The Vane Brothers Company at
- Date: June 20, 2018 at 8:29:18 AM EDT
- To: dispatch
- Cc: Brian Rau
- Subject: Approach to Shell Sewaren South Inside Berth
- Good Morning.
- I just wanted to touch base regarding the approach into Shell Sewaren which I performed for the umpteenth time this morning,
but the first time using an assist to get into the berth.
- I know you've heard chapter and verse about how difficult it is to get in and out of there with the Weeks sand scows that are now part
of the equation. I won't rehash, but I will reassert having the scows at State Street makes the job extremely difficult, to put it mildly. Having
access to an assist boat that is handy enough to get inside of the berth makes the job much easier and safer. We used the Vinik Marine
Services tug NICHOLAS VINIK this morning and I was amazed at how much more positive control I had over the unit by being able to get the
assist boat up inside the berth, especially with an east wind. I would highly recommend, and it is my professional opinion, that having an assist
boat that was as deftly handled by the Vinik operator, coupled with the luxury of being able to get the assist up inside the berth
makes the job much safer to perform. I hope in the future scheduling will take into account the difficulty of the maneuver
being asked of us, and will continue to use Vinik Marine Services for this particular job.
- As always, I am,
- Very Respectfully
- Christopher W. Gough, Master
- My thoughts on Vinik Marine.
In the mid-2000's I was Capt. on the tug Penn No 6, pushing the Bg. Penn 120 in and mostly arround NY Harbor.
At that time Penn had a policy in NY Harbor to let the Capt choose the Asst. Tug that he wanted to use.
I'd heard about the Red,White and Blue tugs down at Perth Amboy and decided to give them a try.
At that time it was the Dorothy Elizabeth, I was very impressed with the skill and professionalism so I started using Vinik exclusively.
When the Charles Oxman arrived, it was like Superman arriving. I was able to miss a tide and still go into piers that I would have had to wait other wise.
With the power of the Oxman and Mike's skill, I counted on them when things went bad, and they came through every time.
If I work NY harbor again, Vinik Marine is who I'd use. ---- Mark Feltrop
From: "St. Andrews"
Date: February 1, 2018 at 2:18:06 PM EST
Subject: Tug "Agnes" of Vinik marine
Good morning,
I utilized the Tug "Agnes" of Vinik Marine for arrival and departure with the HMS 2605 into the inside berth at Shell Sewaren last evening and this morning.
In my opinion, it is the ideal boat for this job. It makes the job stress free and adds a layer of safety which is needed with the conglomeration of Weeks equipment
directly behind berth. The tug is small and maneuverable with more than enough juice to get it done.
Best Regards, Sean Crowley St.Andrews |
Phone him at 732-610-9287. Call for a tug or rent a barge at 732-610-9287. Leave a message or a testimonial at
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